Friday, May 15, 2015

Iced 16 Season 9 Grand Finale

Assalamualaikum and happy day to all~~

Let's do some flashback for a bit.
Started from the Adjudicator Workshop on 7th November 2014, Iced 16 Season 9 has officially begun. Then, we went through a lot of matches from the first match to the semi final and lastly, grand finale.

So, who is the winner for this season? I know some of you might have being informed, but still, I need to tell you guys the whole story about grand finale :)

The grand finale was held on 4th April 2015 at Dewan Putra 2, UPM. Yes, we used the same venue as last season's. But to make it more special for this season, we decided to use different theme which is....does anyone know? It is KIDS IN CANDY FACTORY! :) For the decoration, we put a lot of giant artificial candies, lollipop and colorful M&M everywhere in Dewan Putra 2.

Okay, now, let's talk about the ceremony.

Welcoming our VIP, the principal of 16th College, Dr Mohamad Ibrani Shahrimin bin Adam Asim ushered by the fellow director of Iced16 Season 9, Rinzo Pagayan

Also, welcome to the felo and members of High Student Council of 16th College

The honorable adjudicators of the day, Dr Saiful, Tn Haji Danial Hasni bin Mustafa and Mr Mustafa bin Akbaralli

MCs of the day, Nurfarhana binti Farid Rizal and Raja Siti Aishah binti Raja Idris

Prayer recitation by Mohd Azwan bin Mohd Somari

The flashy yet special gimmick as a symbol of the officiation

The arrival of the invulnerable finalists from 17th College and 2nd College

The debaters from both colleges are getting ready to fascinate us


While waiting for the adjudicators to calculate the marks and deliver the results, we had three brilliant performances by the students of UPM.

Performance of UPM International Students Association.

Zwei Heart

Bollywood dance by Kalashestra

The chief adjudicator, Dr Saiful is giving brief comments about the debate
Before announcing the results, all colleges who participated in this season's Iced were presented hamper each as a consolatory gift :)

The adjudicators also received a souvenir of appreciation. 
Thank you to Dr Saiful, the advisor of Serdang Royal

Big thank you to Tn Haji Danial Hasni bin Mustafa

A token of appreciation to Mr Mustafa bin Akbaralli

Also, we are very pleasure to be working together with Serdang Royal in this season. Presenting the president of Serdang Royal, Muhammad Haikal bin Hikmal Hazam.

Done with the gifts and the appreciation!
It is time to reveal the winners!

The champion of Iced 16 Season 9 2014/2015 goes toooooo

Congratulations to
17th College!!

Congratulations to the first runner up of Iced 16 Season 9..

2nd College!

Best debater goes to Inas Deuraseh from 17th College. Congratulations!

Best adjudicator of this season goes to Joshua Devan, also from the 17th College

Before the ceremony ended, the director of Iced 16 Season 9 gave a souvenir as appreciation to Dr Mohamad Ibrani Shahrimin bin Adam Asim for closing this 9th Inter College English Debate (ICED16) 2014/2015.

Thank you Dr! Thank you everyone who came to support!Thank you for the endless love to Iced 16! Let's meet again next season! Goodbye...:)